Restricted Access – District Contest Finals 2024


May 3, 2024 - May 5, 2024    
All Day


Bookings closed


Engineers House Clifton
The Promenade, Clifton Down, Clifton, Avon, Bristol, BS8 3NB

District Contest Finals 2024


Engineer’s House has in-house hybrid equipment to support the conference and provide a positive experience for contestants. The logistics team from the conference will provide more information to the contest chairs and via this dedicated, password-protected page in the lead-up to the event. The contest room will be the main conference room, called ‘Clifton Suite’ on the ground floor of the venue.

  • The contest room will have staging for all contests.
  • Visual
    • The conference will have two cameras running, one directed at the audience and the other at the stage. How these cameras will work during the contests will be a decision of the Program Quality Director.
    • There will be four screen displays in the main conference room
      • The screen behind the stage will be a neutral holding slide unless a virtual contestant is competing, then they will be displayed on this screen
      • The second screen will be to the side of the stage in one corner, this will have a neutral holding slide during contests
      • The third screen will be to the side of the audience and will have the online audience live on screen
      • The fourth screen is in the back of the room and will be streaming the video feed facing the stage or the virtual contestants
  • Audio
    • Speakers/Microphones are built into the ceiling of the room
    • Lapels will be used for contestants
    • Handheld microphones will be available
    • Contestants competing online are reminded that voice projection is recommended to ensure the audience in person can hear you. Projecting your voice in the same way you would in person ensures your voice carries as clearly as possible to the audience. Sound checks will be organised via the contest chairs.
    • Note: as the system is integrated, feedback should not be an issue and a technician will be available to help during the conference weekend.
  • The virtual platform will be Zoom

Tickets and registration

All contestants will be offered the VIP pricing options, up until a specific deadline. Contestants who are only attending for their contest are asked to please register here so the conference registration team can ensure no issues with access on the day of the conference, especially for any contestants who may have accessibility needs.

Regular booking conditions apply.

Timings for Contestants

Please refer to the programme for clarity

Table Topics Friday 3 May

  • 5.15pm AV checks, stage walk
  • 7pm journalist interviews done 1-2-1 during break
  • Contestants without tickets can relax in the registration room prior to results being announced during the Friday closing ceremony approx 8.45/9pm

International Speech Saturday 4 May

  • 1.15pm AV checks, stage walk
  • 3.45pm journalist interviews done 1-2-1 during break/ 4pm presentation
  • Contestants without tickets can relax in the registration room prior to results being announced at approx. 5pm

Evaluation Contest Sunday 5 May (AM)

  • 8.15am AV checks, stage walk
  • 10.30am journalist interviews done 1-2-1 during break
  • Contestants without tickets can relax in the registration room prior to results being announced at approx. 12.45pm

Humorous Speech Contest Sunday 5 May (PM)

  • 1.15pm AV checks, stage walk
  • 3.45pm journalist interviews done 1-2-1 during break/ 4pm presentation
  • Contestants without tickets can relax in the registration room prior to results being announced at approx. 5pm


A reminder that the conference team is not responsible for district contest finals. They will facilitate the contest logistics as directed by the Program Quality Director and Contest Chairs/Chief Judges. Contestants are asked to direct questions beyond registration for the conference to the PQD and Contest Chairs/Chief Judges.

  • What day will each contest be on? The working plan is that Table Topics will be Friday evening, International Speech Saturday afternoon, Evaluation Contest and Humorous Speech on the Sunday. The Program Quality Director will confirm this closer to the conference weekend.
  • Can my friends or family buy supporter tickets to attend only my contest live? No. Day tickets may be offered depending on event capacity.
  • I am competing in more than one District final, can I get an additional discount? No.
  • I am competing in more than one District final, can I buy two tickets and sell one to another member? Please email the conference team as tickets will only be available based on the number of contestants to avoid overselling tickets, so the registration team may make a ticket that was on hold available to the wider membership in the interim.
  • I need someone to travel with me to the event, can they come into the conference venue to wait? Please make the registration team aware when you arrive and they can direct them to one of the break-out areas to wait if they need somewhere to sit and wait.
  • I would like my child, who is under 18, to attend or watch online. The venue does not have public liability insurance coverage, and nor does the District, for children (anyone under the age of 18). If an online ticket is purchased and the conference is streamed to anyone under 18, that is outside of our control and the district cannot be liable for any inappropriate content that may be presented.
  • Will time be made for AV checks in person and online? The conference team will facilitate this in conjunction with your contest chairs. Please connect with them or the Program Quality Director directly.

Clifton Suite Images

Photo 1

Clifton Suite, Engineer's House - View from corner of front. Side of stage area.
Photo 2
Clifton Suite, Engineer's House - view from half way back


Venue maps 

Ground Floor with Clifton Suite

Engineer’s House Floor Plan-1

Entry Level

Engineer’s House Floor Plan-2


Bookings are closed for this event.