Reflections on an Unforgettable Toastmaster Experience: Mayflower Conference 2017

One of my most enjoyable Toastmaster roles to date, but still one that makes me feel tired even today when I think about it, was when I served as the Logistics Chair for our Mayflower Conference in May 2017, under the leadership of Richard Blackman, our Conference Director, who was by then the Immediate Past District Director of Division J. This was during the program year when Vanessa King DTM was District Director, and I still remember very vividly the roof-raising inspirational speech she gave us about the positive effect Toastmasters has had on her life. It was held at the Grand Harbour Hotel in Southampton (since bought by the Leonardo group), which is a beautiful hotel literally on the edge of the waterfront. It was especially significant because we hosted International President Mike Storkey DTM and his wife and were treated to a wonderful keynote speech about looking up and stepping into leadership. On Friday evening, we held a District Executive Committee meeting to allow Mike to be a part of it, as well as the wonderful weekend being joined by 200 Toastmasters from around the district. Part of that team, looking after our registrations, was the talented Barbara Saph DTM, who, like me, still remembers the event with happy memories. Our side stream was particularly exciting for those not attending the District Council, as we had qualified guides from Southampton who gave a walking tour of the historic parts of Southampton, and it went down a storm. Personally, not only was I responsible for the logistics of an event across multiple rooms and floors, but I was also taking part in the live candidate showcase as I was running for a full year as Division A Director, having covered the role for the six months prior. I wish I could remember more about what happened that weekend, but I am pleased that I remember the pure delight of being part of something very special, and once again be reminded of how far and wide and just how wonderful our District and the Toastmasters community is.

From Surprises to Success: The Thrilling Journey of Becoming a Conference Director

My first District Conference was in Autumn 2014 in Brighton. Prior to that, family commitments and a sense that a weekend of Toastmasters was not for me had kept me away, despite having 5 years of Toastmasters under my belt. To my surprise and delight I had a great time and was surprised to find myself ‘head-hunted’ to act as the next Conference Director by the Program Quality Director, just as the conference was being put to bed on Sunday afternoon. The PDQ graciously suggested I should think about it before committing – she didn’t know me – I act on impulse and a yes is immediately set in stone. I loved the exercise putting together a team, creating a concept and structuring the programme, finding a venue and bringing together all the elements of a conference. It was an extension to the concert and theatre productions I had pulled together previously. Why was that? In many ways I had a different set of stakeholders to the one’s that I had experienced in my professional life. Toastmasters had expectations and my conference exposure was limited to only one conference. However, the experience of using my imagination, taking advice from others (previously I had only asked myself for ideas, expertise and validation) brought a new dimension to the project. It was suggested that District 91 needed to have a Central London conference, something that had been shied away from in the past because of cost. I definitely struck lucky. It had been suggested that we use one of the Grange Hotels. On my way to meet the Events Director at the Grange opposite the Tower of London I bumped into a friend on the bus who I had not seen for ages. Telling him where I was going, he walked me into the hotel, introduced me to the Events Director who he knew as his law firm organised many events there. He insisted we should be given 5-star treatment and the same discounts afforded to repeat customers. That gave us a huge boost and all the interactions with the hotel were positive and helpful. The rapport was reflected in the spirit of the conference which ran smoothly and was very relaxed, or at least my wonderful team gave that impression even if they were stressed behind the scenes. Not only was it a tremendous learning experience for me, extending my event management toolbox but I managed to sit back and enjoy every moment of the conference. A great team made for a wonderful experience and I recommend it to all intrepid Toastmasters!            

Going beyond the club

When most of us join Toastmasters, we think we are joining a single club. The magic is that we are joining an international organisation and the opportunities for growth as a speaker, communicator and leader are endless. No member journey will be identical. If you are thinking of joining (or rejoining!) Toastmasters or starting to think about your next goals as a member, the conference is an opportunity to come together. Celebrate, find connections and reflect on your legacy. How can you begin going beyond? → Visit clubs! Find a club → Go to an area or division event – you can find these on the District 91 calendar → Become a District Leader → Join us in Bristol this May at the Toastmasters International Annual Conference for District 91 (UK South). Get your ticket today. → Join the Conference Team or apply to be an MC/Zoom Host! Pop the conference team an email to express your interest Conference Update The latest update from the conference team is that tickets for in-person attendance are at around 30% capacity for the venue. We do hope you’ll get a ticket so you can join us in person, however, it is a hybrid event so online tickets will become available in March. We have also been advised that rooms at The Rodney Hotel are getting booked up quickly now. They offer a competitive rate for delegates attending conferences at Engineer’s House so if you want to save money on accommodation we suggest you check out the information about our suggested options including rates right here. Is it time to stop hiding in your club bubble? an interview with Kirti Daryanani, DTM We are also excited to announce that Kirti Diryanani, DTM will be on the main conference stage on Sunday the 5th of May. Join Kirti in Bristol, or online, for an interactive interview led by our Conference Director Amy Jones, DTM. Key Learnings ● How to Befriend Your Mind● Finding meaningful connection and purpose● Communicate effectively to diverse audiences Meet Kirti Kirti will be signing copies of her book during Sunday lunch at the conference! About Kirti Meet Kirti, the visionary founder of Kirtana168, with an extraordinary blend of Dutch-Caribbean Asian heritage and over two decades of experience in diverse communities. With degrees in business, and international relations, and a certified TEFL, Kirti possesses a profound understanding of multicultural communication complexities. Renowned for her thought leadership, Kirti shares her extensive experiences on the intersection of well-being and communication in today’s diverse spaces. While empathy is essential, she believes that equanimity is the key to thriving and fostering a sense of belonging and effective communication. More on this interview Get ready for an enlightening journey as we delve into a captivating interview with Kirti Diryanati, DTM – a seasoned speaker and entrepreneurial dynamo renowned for her mastery of letting go of perfect, communicating effectively across cultures, and resilience. Kirti, who proudly wears the ‘sometimes’ a Toastmaster hat, is about to shatter your comfort zone illusions. Whether you’re a newbie yearning to venture beyond your club’s walls, a professional eager to amplify your voice, or a seasoned Toastie seeking your next conquest, this interview is guaranteed to stir your sense of purpose. It will compel you to question your legacy as a Toastmaster, a professional, a friend, a family member, and a partner. How can you more effectively communicate in diverse spaces, confidently pivot in tough situations, build meaningful relationships and overall Befriend Your Mind? Leading this invigorating dialogue is none other than Amy Jones, DTM, our indomitable Conference Chair. Toastmasters, get ready for an exhilarating injection of inspiration that will catapult you far beyond the boundaries of your club.