Ashford 2019 District Conference: A Time of Celebration and Inspiration

When I attended my first District Conference in 2005 I never imagined that I would one daybe the hosting District Director. But that is exactly the situation I found myself in at Ashfordin May 2019. Toastmasters International had decided to do away with the autumn conference andrequire Districts to have just one District Conference a year, in the spring. This was the firstDistrict Conference to have all four District Contest Finals at one time. As a result it wasdecided that the conference weekend needed to be extended from the Saturday andSunday to three days, starting on Friday evening. Although a first for District 91, it was areturn to the old days – more on that later. What an amazing weekend we had! It was a hugely successful event, and the team led byKaren Ince were magnificent. Our first three-day conference as District 91 got off to a greatstart on Friday with the formal District Executive Committee (DEC) meeting, wonderfulworkshops, the District Table Topics Contest and the Candidates’ showcase. A new event that year was the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) reception. This was an opportunity for members who have achieved their DTM award during the year to be recognised in the company of our existing DTMs. It was a fitting celebration of their notable achievement and something that we hoped would establish itself as a regular feature. The evening was rounded off with a delightful dinner and excellent entertainment from theAshford Rock Choir and the improv group A Pair of Four with Chris Murphy of TunbridgeWells Speakers Club. They played a huge part in creating a real buzz among delegatesthat continued into Saturday and the formal opening of the Conference. The highlights just kept on coming throughout the weekend. Every time I thought theconference was going really well, it just got even better! Magnificent keynote speakers, aplethora of professional workshops, and the District finals for the Humorous Speech,Evaluation, and of course the International Speech contest. Congratulations to all thecontestants. One of the greatest pleasures of my year as District Director was to recognise some of theoutstanding achievements of our members at the Hall of Fame. It is always extremelydifficult to choose which of our dedicated and hard-working members deserves these awards when there are so many worthy candidates. The awards that year went to: • Area Director of the Year – Sam Warner Area J11• Division Director of the Year – Janet Alkema Division A• Toastmaster of the Year – Steve Birch of Malvern• Speakers and Worcester Speakers. Steve sadly passed away in May 2023• District Director’s Award – Mary Robson of North• Oxford Speakers, Oxford Orators Club and Oxford Speakers Club Saturday also saw the District Council meeting, where your leaders for the nextToastmasters year were elected. Who remembers District Director Florian Bay, ProgramQuality Director Arnaud Sartre and Club Growth Director Helena Boden-Brewer, andDivision Directors Mike Burrows, Rupa Datta, Ken Essien, Sandra Mighty, Nikita Parks,Liang T Li and Beauty Zindi? What we didn’t know then was that Ashford would be the last fully in-person DistrictConference for who knows how long thanks to Covid. The world of online and hybridmeetings and events has become the new normal, but it is encouraging to see a shift backto the buzz of a live audience and the joy of meting up in person with friends, old and new.I touched on the “old days” earlier. Prior to the formation of District 91 we were part ofDistrict 71, comprising the whole of the United Kingdom and Ireland. Not only did we havetwo District Conferences each year, in November and May, but they alternated betweenthe UK and Ireland. Although the main events took place on the Saturday and Sunday, because half of thedelegates were either travelling to or from the UK and Ireland on Friday, the Friday nightswere a time to party! That usually entailed a themed fancy dress event. I was ConferenceDirector for the 2007 Victory Conference in Portsmouth, so naturally we had a nauticaltheme, resulting in an array of sailors, pirates and even the odd mermaid! And thanks tothe Irish delegates , the Friday and Saturday night Craic, as always led by Ted Corcoran,was the thing of legend. Like all things, the District Conference has had to adapt and evolve, but it has remainedthe showcase event of the District calendar. Many of you will have great memories of pastconferences and be looking forward to more great events in the future. If you have neverattended a District conference, then why not make this year the first of many? Andy Hammond, DTM Past District Director (2018/2019)

District 91 Conference 2020 Embracing Change

Picture this: You’ve invested months in meticulous event planning, envisioning its triumph in a prestigious London hotel. Then, just over a month before the grand day, the world turns against you.

That’s exactly how our team felt when COVID-19 was announced, hurling our carefully laid plans for District 91’s annual conference into chaos. Ticket sales halted, attendees clamoured for refunds, speakers cancelled, and the hotel adamantly refused a refund. A mere month before the conference, the team faced an agonising decision: to cancel the in-person event and replace it with an online conference—an unprecedented move.

No one anticipated this curveball, but what unfolded was an incredibly gratifying journey filled with challenges, backstage camaraderie, and moments of profound pride amid the pandemic’s uncertainty. Little did we know, it would evolve into the largest Toastmasters conference ever held in Europe, drawing 840 attendees from 33 countries, defying all odds.

It wasn’t a smooth ride, but our team’s resilience shone brilliantly. We recognised the significance of embracing innovation when giving up seemed the easier path. The experimentation phase was genuinely exhilarating, as if breaking new ground eliminated expectations, allowing us to fearlessly explore unconventional marketing campaigns and cutting-edge broadcasting technology integrated with Zoom. It was an electrifying journey!

Our proudest moment arrived on the day when everything fell seamlessly into place. Twenty hours of high-pressure moments, a few minor hiccups we hope nobody noticed, and an overwhelming sense of accomplishment followed.

Ultimately, our 2020 conference emerged as an extraordinary success born from adversity. It conveyed to us that preparation, experimentation, and teamwork can lead to remarkable triumphs. We hope that our story inspires you to view challenges as opportunities, conquer your fears, and never give up!

Diana Robertson

Conference Director 2020

Join us in Bristol and discover a limitless you in 2024

From your conference director … In 2024, District 91 marks a decade of existence, and Toastmasters International celebrates a century of empowering individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. We look forward to celebrating Toastmasters International’s 100 years and District 91’s first decade with all of you. District 91, UK South Annual Conference 2024 3 – 5 May 2024, Bristol in person or online Our conference theme this year is, “Limitless You,” which not only celebrates the myriad possibilities for one within Toastmasters but also being able to overcome the limitations and challenges that life has to offer.  When I reflect on the most life-changing moments in my life, I compare them to that feeling I’ve had when flying on a plane or a hot air balloon ride. Looking at the world from that point brings a sense of excitement driven by nerves, endless possibilities and pure awe. The same feeling was felt when I graduated from school and started a new job… I relate it to the feeling we all get when we embark on a journey at Toastmasters, be it joining Toastmasters and doing an icebreaker speech, becoming a club officer or a district leader, the sky is the limit. The limitless possibilities that we can find in this outstanding community of Toastmasters, where we strive to become better versions of ourselves defines the concept that we are all filled with limitless potential.  Those moments of pure awe define our experience as members and have shaped the history of Toastmasters International and District 91.  What can you expect at Limitless you? Celebrate In 2024, we mark a century of Toastmasters International and a decade of District 91 (UK South). At the conference, both long-standing members and newcomers, along with our esteemed guests, will come together to commemorate this significant milestone. It’s a chance for everyone to reflect on their Toastmasters journey and create lasting memories as we celebrate together. Connect Our Toastmasters community is built on these connections, and at the District 91 Annual Conference in Bristol, we invite you to forge fresh connections. Whether your aspirations are professional or personal, our gathering is a place where you’ll discover meaningful connections that will enrich your life Create Maya Angelou’s words resonate deeply: “If you’re going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can’t be erased.” Our conference will reflect upon the legacy of Toastmasters International and District 91, inspiring you to contemplate the legacy you are constructing for yourself. Through workshops and speakers, you’ll find the motivation to be more intentional in shaping your legacy and discover the limitless potential within you. I am both excited and honoured to serve as the Conference Director for this special event, and I assure you that we are putting our hearts and souls into creating a conference that captures the essence of our theme and celebrates our milestones. If you want to be part of this milestone event and explore your moments of pure awe, consider signing up to join our conference team or become part of the programme and partners who will help bring the conference to life. Here to serve, Amy Jones, DTM Conference Director 2024