Up Close and Personal

Insights From Public Speaking Champions Join Jeff Grace in a panel with four Speaking Champions as they delve into the intricacies of effective public speaking, explore diverse perspectives, and share strategies for mastering the speaking stage. LIVE 11th April, 7.30pm BST! How to access our webinar series → Meet Our Panel: All Posts 2024 Conference Our Legacy Uncategorized   Back Limitless you – 10th Anniversary 2024 2024 Speech 2024 Speaker 2024 Conference Blog 2024 Webinar (past) 2024 Webinar (future) Jeffrey Grace Jeffrey Grace’s journey through the world of public speaking began backstage in 1994, as an… Read More All Posts 2024 Conference Our Legacy Uncategorized   Back Limitless you – 10th Anniversary 2024 2024 Speech 2024 Speaker 2024 Conference Blog 2024 Webinar (past) 2024 Webinar (future) Verity Price, WCPS, DTM, AS I feel limitless when I’m helping people find the gold in their own story and… Read More Rich Hopkins, DTM I feel limitless when I’m in front of an audience Rich Hopkins has been in… Read More Linda-Marie Miller Linda-Marie is a professional speaker, a certified experiential trainer and an ICF certified coach. As… Read More Jillian Haslam I experience a sense of boundless potential when I participate in Toastmaster meetings. This feeling… Read More